If in doubt please contact us with as much information as you can and we will help.
You might have an old stock number, or a cast number. Try our search at the top of the web site, it will often convert old part numbers to new part numbers.
Not yet, we are working hard to list the thousands of parts available. If in doubt please contact us with as much information as you can and we will help.
We are working hard to gather all the data we can to help you pick the right part. If in doubt please contact us with as much information as you can and we will help.
If you would like a new stove please use an official Jøtul dealer. They have the knowledge and experience to help you choose the right stove, usually from a showroom where you can discuss your options.
Try Jøtul's Dealer Finder
Please start by talking to the official Jøtul dealer who arranged your installation. They have the knowledge and experience to help you find the answer you need.
If a part is available in our UK warehouse your part will be with you in 5 business days.
If we need to order your genuine part from Norway or Denmark it can take up to 60 days to arrive with you depending on whether the part needs to be manufactured for you.
Your goods will be securely packaged and sent to you via DPD or occasionally Royal Mail. DPD provide email and SMS updates so please provide us with a mobile phone number during checkout.
Delivery rates depend on your location and the value of the goods you have ordered and will be calculated as you checkout.